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65-year-old male with no prior history; consultation for palpitations occurring since a few days;
Characteristic pattern of atrial fibrillation; irregular tachycardia with narrow QRS; rapid, disorganized atrial activity with baseline tremor; well-identifiable atrial activity during long diastoles (long RR interval);
Electrocardiogram recorded after a spontaneous return in sinus rhythm; widened and bifid P wave in leads I, II, V3, V4 with widened negative component in V1: probable left atrial enlargement; premature atrial extrasystole in the T wave (P/T) followed by a QRS with conduction aberration;
During atrial fibrillation, the electrocardiogram typically shows rapid, irregular and disorganized atrial activity along with narrow, rapid and irregular QRS complexes.
Atrial fibrillation is the most commonly observed rhythm disorder in daily cardiology practice and corresponds to a complete disorganization of the electrical activity of the atria leading to the loss of atrial systole.