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DAI Medtronic EN


ECG, practice reading and et interpreting.

Biatrial enlargement

Voir la suite de cet article sur Cursus ECG
62-year-old woman, smoker, followed for chronic bronchitis, centrilobular emphysema and chronic respiratory failure;
Sinus rhythm with biatrial enlargement: P-wave amplitude increased in lead II (3 mm), with widened (> 40 ms) and deep (> 1.5 mm) negative component in V1, bifid pattern in lead I, P-wave duration of 115 ms in V4-V5; right ventricular hypertrophy (right axis, incomplete right bundle branch block, R/S ratio > 1 in V1); ultrasound revealed a significant dilatation of both atria;
Young girl 13 years of age, with extremely severe dilated cardiomyopathy and major dilatation of both atria with predominance in the right atrium;
Marked contrast between a major increase in atrial voltage and a decrease in ventricular voltage (low voltage); biatrial dilatation predominant in the right atrium with increased voltage in lead II, tall and wide positive atrial component (right atrial enlargement) and an increase in P-wave duration (left atrial enlargement);

Biatrial hypertrophy is reflected by combined signs of right and left atrial enlargement. The diagnosis is made on the basis of P-waves which have both a high amplitude and a duration greater than 110 ms.

The respective enlargement of each of the two atria predominantly affects a different component of the wave P. Biatrial enlargement is diagnosed when the criteria of right atrial enlargement and left atrial enlargement are fulfilled.
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Normal and pathological ECG
Atrial activity