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DAI Medtronic EN


ECG, practice reading and et interpreting.

Prinzmetal angina

Voir la suite de cet article sur Cursus ECG
Young woman 42 years of age, smoker, hospitalized for repeated episodes of chest pain since several days occurring in the morning at rest; recording of an electrocardiogram in the department during an episode of pain;
Sinus rhythm, normal PR interval; major elevation exceeding 10 mm in inferior leads, beginning at the peak of the R wave, encompassing the T-wave and constituting a monophasic dome-shaped wave; reciprocal depression in leads I, aVL, V3-V5; ventricular extrasystole followed by ventricular couplet;
Tracing recorded a few minutes after the administration of 2 puffs of sublingual nitroglycerine which led to the resolution of chest pain; the modifications in the ST-segment disappeared; the amplitude of the R wave in the inferior leads is lower on this tracing than in the first tracing (increase of the R wave during the crisis);

This patient presents a Prinzmetal's angina with spasm of the right coronary artery. The electrocardiogram and clinical presentation are characteristic: high transient elevation spontaneously ceasing or after administration of sublingual nitroglycerine.

Chest pain typical of Prinzmetal's angina is recurrent, self-limiting, preferentially occurring at night or early in the morning and may be favored by a specific triggering factor (tobacco, cocaine use, cold environment, etc). The electrocardiogram during pain (when it can be recorded) shows a transient ST-segment elevation.
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Chest pain
Prinzmetal angina