- 1. Aspects techniques
- 2. Activation atriale
- 3. Intervalle PR
- 4. Activation ventriculaire et durée du QRS
- 5. Axe du QRS
- 6. Voltage du QRS
- 7. Segment ST
- 8. Ondes T
- 9. Ondes U
- 10. Intervalle QT
- 1. Infarctus coronaropathies
- 2. Angor de Prinzmetal
- 3. Tako Tsubo
- 4. Pericarde
- 5. Myocardite
- 6. Embolie Pulmonaire
Commander un livre
L'ECG à l'ECN en 75 tracés
ECG pour l'ECN
Les 55 tracés indispensables à connaitre pour les Externes.
Les cas cliniques de Rémi Consulter
Les cas cliniques proposés ici sont issus de notre staff hebdomadaire d’analyse d’ECG.
Practice A series of quizzes covering all chapters
Randomized Quiz
Ventricular activation and QRS-duration
Normal and pathological ECG -> Ventricular activation and QRS-Duration
This quiz includes 2 questions from the course. Answers make reference to the theoretical teaching "ECG / EGM Tracing Library".
Randomized Quiz
Normal and pathological ECG -> ST-Segment
This quiz includes 4 questions from the course. Answers make reference to the theoretical teaching "ECG / EGM Tracing Library".
Randomized Quiz
Normal and pathological ECG -> QT-Interval
This quiz includes 3 questions from the course. Answers make reference to the theoretical teaching "ECG / EGM Tracing Library".
Randomized Quiz
Infarctus coronaropathies
Chest pain -> Infarctus coronaropathies
This quiz includes 23 questions from the course. Answers make reference to the theoretical teaching "ECG / EGM Tracing Library".