53-year-old man implanted with a triple-chamber defibrillator Consulta CRT-D for idiopathic cardiomyopathy with left bundle branch block; remote monitoring follow-up.
Graph and trace
- remote transmission of an episode of AF with alternating paced and spontaneous QRS;=
the Cardiac Compass report received identifies: - a long standing episode of AF, lasting several days, one episode of arrhythmia lasting the entire day;
- an increase in the ventricular heart rate;
- a significant drop in the percentage of biventricular pacing with a clear cut-off at the onset of the AF episode;
- a relatively high ventricular rate, particularly during the day;
- a decrease in patient activity.
This tracing highlights the various advantages of a remote monitoring in a CRT patient with episodes of atrial arrhythmia: