
Question 1

Associer à un tracé: 
On this ECG, an abnormal T-wave is found in:
Your answerChoice

A. lead III

B. aVR

C. V1

D. V3


E. none of the leads

Question 2

Associer à un tracé: 
What is(are) the abnormality(ies) found on this ECG?
Your answerChoice

A. long PR-interval

B. right ventricular hypertrophy


C. left ventricular hypertrophy

D. biphasic T-wave in V4


E. subepicardial ischemia in V1-V4;

Question 3

Associer à un tracé: 
This ECG reveals:
Your answerChoice

A. a long PR-interval


B. a right bundle branch block

C. normal precordial T-waves

D. tall and symmetrical T-waves

E. subepicardial ischemia