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DAI Medtronic EN


ECG, practice reading and et interpreting.

Ventricular trigeminy and benign PVC

Voir la suite de cet article sur Cursus ECG
37-year-old woman with no prior history; performing of an electrocardiogram for palpitations;
Sinus rhythm (positive P wave in leads I, II and negative in aVR); normal PR (190 ms); narrow QRS with left anterior fascicular block (left axis with poor R wave progression from VI to V4); trigeminal premature ventricular complexes with alternation between two conductive QRS and a premature beat; probably benign, premature complexes from the right infundibulum: relatively narrow complexes, non-fragmented, with left delay (negative in V1 and positive in V6), transition in V4 (delayed, suggestive of a right ventricular origin) and infundibular "arrow-like” pattern (high amplitude with positive deflection in the inferior leads); retrograde atrial conduction (negative P’ waves inferiorly) with post-extrasystolic sinus pause;

The pattern found on this electrocardiogram corresponds to benign right ventricular premature complexes. They occur in patients without underlying cardiac disease or metabolic abnormalities and in the absence of a specific territory of predilection.

Benign right ventricular premature beats occurring in a healthy heart, are monomorphic, tall, unnotched and very little widened, with a long and fixed coupling interval, a left delay pattern and a descending vertical axis originating from the right ventricular outflow tract. The remainder of the electrocardiogram should also be within normal ranges without signs of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.
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Rhythm disorders
accelerated idioventricular rhythm