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Young man 25 years of age, athletic, referred for detection of an abnormal tracing; presented episodes of tachycardia characterized by sudden onset and end;
This electrocardiogram shows a typical pattern of ventricular pre-excitation: short PR-interval (< 120 ms), delta wave at QRS onset, non-prolonged PJ interval, terminal portion of the QRS with no abnormality;
The diagnosis of atrioventricular pre-excitation in sinus rhythm is based on the association between a short PR-interval, a wide QRS, a delta wave, a normal terminal QRS portion and frequent repolarization disorders.
The Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is defined by the association of an atrioventricular pre-excitation (bundle of Kent) and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias occurring preferentially in young patients with a healthy heart.