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DAI Medtronic EN


ECG, practice reading and et interpreting.

Normal atrial activation

Voir la suite de cet article sur Cursus ECG
Young woman 23 years of age, asymptomatic, with no prior history and a normal cardiac ultrasound;
Sinus rhythm with a rate of 56 bpm; normal P-wave: positive in leads I, II, V5, V6 and negative in aVR; normal P-wave axis (54°); normal P-wave duration (80 ms); no increase in P-wave voltages; absence of P-wave morphology abnormalities (notched, biphasic, etc.); the remaining ECG also within normal limits;

This tracing shows an example of a strictly normal P-wave. Atrial activation is triggered in response to the depolarization of the sinus node and spreads radially and rapidly through the adjacent right atrial myocardium.

The normal P-wave is positive in leads I, II, V4 to V6, negative in aVR and often biphasic in V1 (occasionally V2); the duration of the P-wave does not exceed 110 ms (standard between 80 and 110 ms); the amplitude of the P-wave is less than 2.5 mm in limb leads, the positive deflection is less than 1.5 mm in V1 while the negative deflection is less 1 mm in V1.
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Normal and pathological ECG
Atrial activity