- 1. Technical aspects
- 2. Atrial activity
- 3. PR-Interval
- 4. Ventricular activation and QRS-Duration
- 5. QRS Axis
- 6. QRS Amplitude
- 7. ST-Segment
- 8. T-Wave
- 9. U-Wave
- 10. QT-Interval
Order a book
The ECG for the National Exam (ECN) in 75 tracings
ECG for the National Exam (ECN)
The 55 essential tracings for medical students
Rémi's clinical cases See
The clinical cases presented here come from our weekly ECG analysis meetings.
Practice A series of quizzes covering all chapters
Randomized Quiz
Normal and pathological ECG -> ST-Segment
This quiz includes 4 questions from the course. Answers make reference to the theoretical teaching "ECG / EGM Tracing Library".
Randomized Quiz
Chest pain -> Pericardium
This quiz includes 6 questions from the course. Answers make reference to the theoretical teaching "ECG / EGM Tracing Library".
Randomized Quiz
Infarctus coronaropathies
Chest pain -> Infarctus coronaropathies
This quiz includes 23 questions from the course. Answers make reference to the theoretical teaching "ECG / EGM Tracing Library".